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The ARLC is responsible for the operation and development of the Regulation Scheme for Access to Higher Education. Members include further and higher education representatives. This committee meets three times per year and is chaired by a member of our Board.

Membership Structure

The Committee's membership is representative of the different types of organisations that deliver Access to HE courses and institutions that receive Access to HE students. Members will jointly hold the required knowledge and expertise. This will include knowledge of the operation of AVAs, to enable the Committee to carry out its remit effectively. Current AVA officers and permanent employees of AVAs are not eligible to serve on the ARLC.

The Committee shall normally comprise twelve members, with a possible further two by co-option. Membership shall include:

  • two Board members
  • three members from the higher education sector with appropriate experience and an understanding of Access to HE, at least one of whom should be a senior manager of an institution receiving Access to HE students
  • three members from the further education sector with appropriate experience and an understanding of Access to HE, at least one of whom should be a senior manager an organisation providing Access to HE courses
  • two other members with appropriate experience for the work of the Committee, who may come from further or higher education sectors, from an AVA, or who may have other experience which is relevant to the work of the Committee
  • one student member who is currently studying in higher education with demonstrable interest in and experience of access to higher education, and preferably a recent graduate of an Access to HE Diploma course
  • one member from an employer or employer group that is representative of key progression routes for Access to HE students

Committee Members

  • Professor Rachid Hourizi (Chair), Director of the Institute of Coding (IoC)
  • Zoë Chapman, Academic, Author and Access to HE Practitioner
  • Dr Fazal Dad, Principal and Chief Executive, Blackburn College
  • Dr Andrew McDowell, Associate Dean of Education, Queen’s University Belfast
  • Richard Parkman, University of Plymouth
  • Professor Mark Radford, Chief Nurse, Health Education England
  • Sue Watson, Head of Access, LASER Learning Awards
  • Robin Webber-Jones, Principal, Tresham College of Further and Higher Education
  • Alice Wilby, Consultant