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In a rapidly changing higher and tertiary education environment, 夜色直播appMembership delivers a range of inspiring, expert activities and resources. These enable you to demonstrate excellence in quality and standards to UK and international audiences - securing confidence in meeting regulatory requirements, while focusing beyond the baseline to keep ahead of a challenging higher education environment.


Membership creates a secure place for quality teams, academics and strategic leaders to share practice, discuss challenges, develop knowledge and learn about the latest thinking and professional practices in quality assurance and enhancement.


Our packages also provide access to practical materials and expertise that help empower your institution to stand out in the UK and international higher education arenas.


Benefits and value of 夜色直播appMembership

夜色直播appMembership is an investment in the quality and standards of your institution. We use our convening power, quality expertise and relationships to: 

  • Give you a head start in tackling emerging issues on quality and standards through access to timely, expert advice co-created with the sector - saving duplication of effort.
  • Accelerate the professional development of your staff through access to an existing suite of information and training to better safeguard standards and enhance quality for your students.
  • Buy you time in responding to regulatory and policy developments by giving you early insight and analysis of implications.
  • Give you a voice in how quality and standards are maintained and enhanced through the co-creation of sector-owned standards such as Subject Benchmark Statements and the UK Quality Code.
  • Save you starting from scratch, by providing a range of thought-through approaches to learning and teaching that you can use and adapt for your own institution. 
  • Keep you abreast of how other institutions are responding to issues, giving you the opportunity to share approaches, learn from each other and collaborate.

Together, we work in partnership with, and for, our members to deliver high-quality activities and resources that:

  • secure UK higher education’s global reputation for excellence
  • safeguard academic standards and champion academic integrity
  • enhance the quality of the student learning experience, wherever they are studying.

What's included

夜色直播appMembership provides access to a wealth of resources and support designed to empower your institution to stand out in the UK and international higher education arenas. Visit our 'What's included' page to find out more including our latest Membership offer brochures.


What鈥檚 included

Membership areas of work

夜色直播appMembership covers a wide range of areas, including UK-wide work to secure standards and quality, as well as enhancement-facing activities co-created with our members. Our global reach and strong network of international partnerships enable us to support members in securing and reinforcing UK higher education’s global reputation.


Membership highlights 2023-24

夜色直播appcertainly had a busy time in the UK last year, staging events and professional development activities, supporting projects and providing advice, guidance and information to providers across the four nations. Our Highlights document rounds up what happened for members in 2023, while our new eBook showcases some of our favourite and most popular membership resources and activities.


夜色直播appMembership Highlights 2023

Publication date: 29 Feb 2024

Your 夜色直播appMembership in 2024 - take a look at our new eBook


We have gathered a short collection of our favourite membership resources and activities in this eBook.

Our members


We are proud that our membership body in 2023-24 includes 98% of UK universities, plus a strong representation of further education colleges with HE provision. Check if your institution is a member and find out how to join.


What鈥檚 coming up in Membership

We have a wide and varied programme of events, training and resources coming up. Our activities are tailored to different types of provider, and we have opportunities for staff and students in all roles.