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ҹɫֱ²¥appis working rapidly to support the sector through the COVID-19 outbreak. We are engaging closely with our members as well as the wider higher education community including student bodies, regulators and funders across the UK.


We are here to work collaboratively and to support you as you make necessary changes to learning, teaching and assessment. We will continue that support in a variety of ways including:

  • providing guidance on mitigating the impact on assessment, progression and graduation in coming academic years
  • developing supporting materials on priority topics 
  • delivering regular webinars to support the sector in sharing practice
  • hosting the ҹɫֱ²¥appQuality Discussion Forum where colleagues can debate and discuss challenges and successes.

The guidance on this page is funded by our members' subscriptions and is developed in partnership with members. It is made publicly available for the benefit of the sector in recognition of the extraordinary pressures on the sector arising from the pandemic.

Guidance for 2020-21

This guidance is funded by our members' subscriptions and is developed in partnership with members. It is made publicly available for the benefit of the sector in recognition of the extraordinary pressures on the sector arising from the pandemic. We continue to provide guidance and resources on key topics to support the HE sector during the COVID-19 pandemic. These follow on from our Initial Guidance, Thematic Guidance and Supporting Resources which were produced in response to the considerable changes faced during the first lockdown.


Latest publications


Publication Date: 6 July 2021


As we look beyond the disruptions brought about by COVID-19, many providers are looking to continue to deliver assessments online. Finding new ways to allow students to take their assessments offsite safely, while ensuring the integrity of the assessment and reducing the risk of academic misconduct, has become of paramount importance. This video supports providers to navigate these challenges, by considering the implications of some of these new security measures. 

Learning from the Experience of Postgraduate Research Students and their Supervisors During COVID-19 

Publication date: 08 Jun 2021

A Launch Pad for Future Success: Using Outcomes-Based Approaches to Scaffold the Pandemic Year and Build for the Future

Publication date: 07 May 2021

The Impact of Good Practice in Digital Delivery on Student Engagement Progression and Achievement

Publication date: 31 Mar 2021

The impact of Good Practice in Digital Delivery on Student Engagement, Progression and Achievements - Case studies

Publication date: 05 Dec 2022

Advice on Doctoral Standards for Research Students and Supervisors

Publication date: 08 Mar 2021

Talking about Quality: Supporting Student Discussions on Quality, Standards and Value for Money

Publication date: 15 Feb 2021

How Good Practice in Digital Delivery and Assessment has Affected Student Engagement and Success - an Early Exploration

Publication date: 05 Feb 2021

Advice for Higher Education Providers on the 2021 National Lockdown Safety Net Policies

Publication date: 18 Jan 2021

How UK higher education providers managed the shift to digital delivery during the COVID-19 pandemic

Publication date: 21 Dec 2020

Adapting to COVID-19: Smaller, Specialist and Newer Providers of Higher Education

Publication date: 07 Aug 2020

Preserving Quality and Standards Through a Time of Rapid Change: UK Higher Education in 2020-21

Publication date: 02 Jun 2020

This guidance is funded by our members' subscriptions and developed in partnership with members. It is made publicly available for the benefit of the sector in recognition of the extraordinary pressures on the sector arising from the pandemic.


COVID-19: Thematic Guidance - Securing Academic Standards and Supporting Student Achievement

Publication date: 07 Apr 2020

COVID-19: Thematic Guidance - Work-based-Learning (including placements / partnerships / apprenticeships / study abroad)

Publication date: 08 Apr 2020

This guidance is funded by our members' subscriptions and developed in partnership with members. It is made publicly available for the benefit of the sector in recognition of the extraordinary pressures on the sector arising from the pandemic.


COVID-19: Initial Guidance for Higher Education Providers on Standards and Quality

Publication date: 23 Mar 2020

QAA's advice to degree-awarding bodies on mitigating the disruption of studies to TNE students caused by the COVID-19 (Coronavirus) outbreak

Publication date: 20 Mar 2020

These supporting resources are funded by our members' subscriptions and developed in partnership with members. They are made publicly available for the benefit of the sector in recognition of the extraordinary pressures on the sector arising from the pandemic.