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We work with Access Validating Agencies, Government, funding bodies, Access to HE providers, higher education institutions, professional statutory and regulatory bodies, and employers to ensure Access to HE Diplomas provide high quality preparation for higher level study and graduate employment.

Access Validating Agencies (AVAs)

We license Access Validating Agencies (AVAs) ) to act as awarding bodies and award the Access to HE Diplomas to successful students. The 11 AVAs work with further and higher education providers to develop, approve and monitor Access to HE courses in accordance with the requirements of our Access to HE Recognition Scheme.

Visit the AVAs’ profile pages for more information about our monitoring of them and the range of courses they approve.

Access to HE providers

We provide information, guidance and events for Access to HE providers to compliment the information provided by AVAs. We also work with these providers through our governance structures and development work. 78% of Access to HE providers are further education colleges.

Visit the course search for links to approved Diploma providers.

Guidance for tutors

Our Tutor's Quick Guide to Grading is a practical guide to the Access to HE Diploma Grading Scheme for anyone involved in teaching or assessment on an Access to HE Diploma course. It explains the key features of the method used for grading the Access to HE Diploma and provides an introduction for tutors who are new to Access to HE, as well as a useful reminder for those who have already had some staff training or development on our Grading Scheme.

More detailed information is given in the Grading Scheme Handbook:

Grading Scheme Handbook, Section D: Moderation and Standardisation

Publication date: 03 Dec 2018

Grading Scheme Handbook, Section E: Student Results and Awards Boards

Publication date: 03 Dec 2018

As a course provider you can get involved in Access to HE in a range of ways:

  • advising on course content when a new Access to HE Diploma is being developed
  • taking part in the validation of Access to HE Diplomas
  • acting as moderators for local Access to HE courses
  • serving on Access Validating Agencies' committees.

If you are interested in being involved in Access to HE in any of these ways, contact your local Access Validating Agency, or the Access to HE team at 夜色直播appfor advice.

Higher education providers

We provide information, guidance and events for higher education staff, including admissions staff and researchers. Higher education staff are also represented in our governance structures and development work.

In 2017-18 222 higher education providers across the UK accepted Access to HE students


Our higher education toolkit provides information for HE admissions staff about how to frame offers and set entry requirements for Access to HE Diploma applicants.

Grading and assessment

For information about grading and assessment on Access to HE courses, please see the Grading Scheme Handbook.

Course information

To confirm whether a particular courses is QAA-recognised, consult our course search.

For full information about individual Access to HE courses or an applicant's individual programme of study, please contact the course provider or the Access Validating Agency responsible for the course. (Please note that the content of Access to HE Diplomas is determined at local level.)

Other ways to get involved in Access to HE

Our Recognition Scheme requires Access Validating Agencies (AVAs) to involve staff working in higher education in the development, approval and monitoring of Access to HE Diplomas to ensure that all Access to HE courses are fit for purpose.

Higher education staff are therefore involved in Access to HE in a range of ways, such as:

  • recruitment and widening participation activity for Access to HE students
  • advising on course content when a new Access to HE Diploma is being developed
  • taking part in the validation of Access to HE Diplomas
  • acting as moderators for local Access to HE courses
  • serving on Access Validating Agencies' committees.

If you are interested in being involved in Access to HE in any of these ways, contact your local Access Validating Agency, or contact the Access to HE team at 夜色直播appfor advice.

Government, public and professional bodies

We work with a range of governmental and public and professional bodies in our development of the Access Recognition Scheme, the Diploma and our statistical publications. We also provide information to Government about QAA-recognised Access to HE courses.