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HEFCW HEIR: Collaborative programmes Wales project - guidance resource pack

The HEFCW Higher Education Investment and Recovery funded Collaborative Programmes Wales (CPW) project was initiated to identify opportunities for collaborative provision, investigate operational barriers to implementation and suggest models for collaboration (HEFCW circular ).


The Universities Wales Learning and Teaching Network project, led by Swansea University, developed and explored opportunities for greater co-operation between partner institutions and laid the foundation for a more collaborative approach to the delivery of taught provision.  


The CPW team working with all partners across Wales, reviewed and prioritised barriers/risks to collaboration and developed guidance and resources to make collaboration easier. Alongside this work, the project team investigated the opportunity for a Level 7 national collaborative provision, reviewed the national position in relation to collaboration in Wales, and undertook work to better understand the differences in the regulations and processes across partner institutions in Wales which helped develop this guidance. 


Resource pack

This resource pack brings together the results of that work, and provides example processes, types of activity and resources involved in developing collaborative provision.


夜色直播apphas published these resources on behalf of the authors: the Universities Wales Learning and Teaching Network in consultation with the higher education sector in Wales. Please note that this guidance does not interpret nor incorporate legislation, statutory or regulatory requirements.