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We undertook our second review of higher education in China in 2012. The following locations were visited: Beijing, Dalian, Kunming, Ningbo, Shanghai and Suzhou. 

The TNE China 2012 review began with a survey in May 2011 to collect information from UK universities and colleges about their TNE activity in China. This was followed by desk-based studies of those institutions with significant TNE in China, looking at institutional procedures for the management of academic quality and standards and the way they operated.

The studies were supplemented by visits to a sample of the related institutions, giving an opportunity to follow up on identified issues and look more directly at the student experience.

Overview report

The overview report provides a summary of TNE and higher education in China and includes a statistical annex, executive summaries of the 10 review reports, and summaries of the case studies and 2006 review, all of which can be found in full below.

This report is also available in Mandarin:

Review reports

During 2012, we conducted in-depth reviews on individual collaborations between the UK and China. The following partnerships were reviewed:

Review of UK transnational education in China: University of Central Lancashire and North China University of Technology

Publication date: 03 May 2013

Review of UK transnational education in China: Durham University and Fudan University

Publication date: 03 May 2013

Review of UK transnational education in China: University of Greenwich and Yunnan University of Finance and Economics

Publication date: 03 May 2013

Review of UK transnational education in China: Harper Adams University and Beijing University of Agriculture

Publication date: 03 May 2013

Review of UK transnational education in China: University of Liverpool and Xi'an JiaotongLiverpool University

Publication date: 03 May 2013

Review of UK transnational education in China: London Metropolitan University and the Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine

Publication date: 03 May 2013

Review of UK transnational education in China: The University of Nottingham Ningbo Campus

Publication date: 03 May 2013

Review of UK transnational education in China: Queen Mary, University of London and Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications

Publication date: 03 May 2013

Review of UK transnational education in China: The University of Reading and Beijing Institute of Technology

Publication date: 03 May 2013

Review of UK transnational education in China: The University of Surrey and Dongbei University of Finance and Economics

Publication date: 03 May 2013

Case studies

As part of the review, we also developed a set of case studies:

Review of UK transnational education in China 2012, Case studies: Setting and maintaining academic standards

Publication date: 03 May 2013