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The Social Entrepreneurial Skills Toolkit is designed to support the development of social enterprise and entrepreneurial skills within the higher and further education curriculum. The project aimed to identify the skills, knowledge, and capabilities students requires to fulfil the role of a social entrepreneur and to reflect these within the curriculum.


An audit tool was created that identifies the key knowledge, skills and capabilities that should be included when designing a social enterprise learning experience: the Pedagogy of Social Enterprise Model (see Section One of the Toolkit). This evidence-based model comprises six key components of learning that should inform social entrepreneurial skill development.


This audit tool will be an asset for course teams, enabling them to assess the currency of their curriculum and support the delivery of needs-led education. The wider toolkit provides valuable resources to support social enterprise delivery as a learning experience.


You can learn more about the project’s methodology and findings in our Final Report.


Report: A collaborative approach to developing social entrepreneurial skills

Publication date: 01 Jun 2023

Social Entrepreneurial Skills Toolkit

Project lead:

University of Huddersfield

Project partners:

University of Bolton, City College Plymouth and University of Huddersfield

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