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When the COVID-19 lockdowns were lifted in the UK in mid-2020, some students returned to campus, but others were not able to do so due to travel restrictions or self-isolation requirements. To enable all students to continue studying, many institutions rapidly revised their teaching delivery modes to include hybrid teaching.



This project explored the implementation of hybrid teaching across the University of Nottingham and the University of Birmingham, in order to inform the future potential for post-pandemic approaches.

The research was informed by recent literature on hybrid teaching in higher education, supplemented by surveys and focus groups with over 500 students and almost 50 staff members, including those in teaching and IT/Audio-visual roles.



The project team have developed a final report which details the research and makes several recommendations for future approaches to hybrid teaching and learning.


  • Provide appropriate staff training for academics
    Develop a comprehensive training programme to support the development of the pedagogical and digital skills required.
  • Provide sufficient human resources for hybrid teaching delivery
    Academics need support in teaching two groups of students simultaneously; a teaching assistant can add substantial value.
  • Provide comprehensive pedagogical support
    This should address learning design for hybrid teaching, and any modifications to associated assessment.
  • Provide appropriate technology solutions and technical support
    Teaching spaces for hybrid teaching need to be set up appropriately. Technology needs to be reliable and simple to use.
  • Consult with stakeholders
    Ensure that decisions about hybrid teaching are not rushed through without proper staff consultation or consideration given to the practical or pedagogical implications.
  • Develop a hybrid teaching policy
    This should at least specify the segment of the student body that hybrid teaching is aimed at.
  • Manage expectations
    Raise staff awareness about the possibilities and pitfalls of hybrid teaching, and develop a transparent communication strategy for students.
  • Communicate
    Ensure communication amongst stakeholders to ensure synergy between the pedagogy, the technical infrastructure, and the strategic plans to implement it.

Hybrid Teaching: A futurist model or a realist model for the future?

Publication date: 21 Nov 2022

Hybrid Teaching: A futurist model or a realist model for the future? - Executive summary

Publication date: 21 Nov 2022

Project lead:

University of Nottingham

Project partner:

University of Birmingham

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