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Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) can be understood as a lens that permits us to look critically at how the world is and to envision how it might be; it equips us to deliver that vision. It develops competencies - skills, attributes and values - and how they link to subject knowledge and knowledge of sustainable development.


Our resources for members are designed to support institutions in delivering ESD in their curriculum.

Member resources



This , written with Advance HE, is intended to be of practical help to members working with students and staff to foster their knowledge, understanding and skills in the area of sustainable development. A separate member resource, , supports students actively engaging with their institution and students' union about ESD.


Practice guides

These are intended to inspire others through providing practical examples of ESD activities - from single workshops to long-term community engagement projects.


Collaborative Enhancement Projects


We are supporting a number of Collaborative Enhancement Projects which are developing further insights and outputs for members related to ESD.

Video - What is education for sustainable development?

This video outlines what ESD looks like within the higher education sector. It also suggests how students can support this work within their own institutions, linking to other useful sources of information.