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This page details examples of practice and approaches that have been taken by institutions in Finland in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, in areas such as learning and teaching, assessment and feedback, and student support.

Support for Remote Learning; Assessment and Grading

  • The University has decided to extend until the end of the autumn term 2020 the validity of studies completed in accordance with the old degree requirements, which would otherwise expire during the spring and autumn terms 2020, as prescribed by faculty-specific regulations. The extension will be taken into account in compiling students’ modules and degrees.
Preparations for Autumn Semester

Transition Back to On-Campus Learning

  • The University of Helsinki has published its staged approach to returning to on-campus learning and teaching activities. The plan articulates the expected timeframe for the staged transition, as well as the key decision makers.
Transition Back to On-Campus Learning; Support for Remote Learning

  • The University has recommended that remote teaching and supervision be undertaken. In-person teaching will be provided, where possible. For students are in at-risk groups, independent study will be offered. Flexible solutions have also been developed, in response to ongoing concerns about COVID-19, to promote students' progress and graduation.

Support for Remote Learning; Support for Remote Teaching

  • From 14 May 2020, Aalto University will be amending its institutional policies in response to the coronavirus. Remote working will still continue through the spring and summer. This policy will be reviewed by 31 July 2020. Where necessary, staff will be able to use campus facilities, but all visits will be centrally scheduled. Teaching will continue remotely through the spring and summer. For students wishing to use campus facilities (labs, workshops, small-scale contact teaching), appropriate safety procedures and the institution's notification procedure must be complied with. All meetings with guests should be organised online.
Support for Remote Learning; Support for Remote Teaching; Assessment and Grading; Mental Health and Wellbeing; Emergency Funding

  • Aalto has encouraged teaching staff to record their lectures and make them available for viewing online to support students to undertake flexible study. Whether a School changes the grading scale for the spring semester from 1 to 5 to Pass/Fail is a decision that the University has left to individual Schools. Where a student retakes an examination in the 2020 autumn term, the University's normal grading scale will be used. There is no option for the student to choose which grading scale is used. Where a study arrangement made in response to COVID-19 has caused delays in students' studies, this will be taken into account in decisions on extensions, as advised by the Finnish Government's decrees on temporary restrictions. Aalto is offering its students with study and career counselling psychologist guidance online, online modules on supporting individuals' wellbeing and signposting to the online chaplaincy services available. The University's website states that the provisions regarding student financial aid makes it possible to take into account the exceptional circumstances of COVID-19 on the maximum periods of payment of student financial aid and the monitoring of sufficient study progress.
Preparations for Autumn Semester

Information on coronavirus

  • Aalto University intends to deliver its Autumn 2020 semester using a hybrid delivery model. Rotating work schedules will be introduced to support the transition of staff back to working on-campus. Academic departments will develop the rotating work schedules for their staff. The University intends that staff have assigned desks, where open plan offices are used. All meetings will continue to be delivered remotely.