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Degree apprenticeships are already providing motivated and highly-skilled employees through their innovative approach to education and workforce development. Bridging the gap between academic learning and practical application in degree apprenticeships is vital and apprenticeship skills coaches (or those in equivalent roles) can play a crucial role in enabling apprentices to develop the required knowledge, skills and behaviours.

As degree apprenticeship provision continues to develop, higher education providers are likely to adopt diverse pedagogical methods and approaches to the implementation of roles such as apprenticeship skills coaches.


This project aims to examine the impact that apprenticeship skills coaches have on the apprentice experience and will also focus on higher education providers' approaches to the application of this role.


This, in turn, should inform the development of a more standardised pedagogical framework, based on the experiences of apprentices, and facilitate the creation of resources to assist providers in supporting the apprentice experience through the use of apprenticeship skills coaches.  

Project approach

The project team will explore this topic by:

  • Conducting a critical review of existing literature on the role of academic support tutors and apprenticeship skills coaches
  • Conducting surveys, interviews and observations to gather data about the impact of apprenticeship skills coaches on degree apprenticeships.

Planned outputs

  1. Publication of the literature review
  2. A toolkit that will include a set of case studies, reflective questions for degree apprenticeship providers to apply to their current models and actionable, best practice guidelines
  3. Presentations and workshops to share knowledge, enable further discussion and expand learning opportunities.

Project lead: University Centre Quayside

Project partners: Manchester Metropolitan University and Middlesex University

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