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Evaluation and evidence-based decision-making

Our Collaborative Enhancement Projects offer funding opportunities for small groups of our member institutions to work together on projects of shared interest which enhance the quality of their own students' learning experiences and develop outputs to support the wider higher education sector. 


夜色直播appsupports a number of projects every year, covering a range of topics and interest areas. On this page you'll find projects related to evaluation and evidence-based decision-making.


Creating an environment to foster pedagogic research informed decision making on quality matters 


Project lead: University of Bath

Project partners: University of Hull, Leeds Trinity University, Barnsley College, Askham Bryan College and Scholars School System


Developing a pilot peer evaluation system


Project lead: University of Bath

Project partners: University of Kent, University of Derby, University of East Anglia, London School of Economics, Bath Spa University and Sheffield Hallam University


Evaluating the impact of block delivery


Project lead: De Montfort University

Project partners: Manchester Metropolitan University, University of Gloucestershire, University of Plymouth, University of Suffolk, and Victoria University


Exploring Evaluation Wicked Issues with the HE Sector

Project lead: Sheffield Hallam University

Project partners: University of Sussex, University of Lincoln, University of Reading, Staffordshire University and Queens University Belfast


Visit the project web page
Monitoring and evaluating education for sustainable development in Higher Education


Project lead: University of St Andrews

Project partners: University of Edinburgh, University of Highlands and Islands, EAUC (The Alliance for Sustainability Leadership in Education) Scotland, Scotland’s United Nations University recognised Regional Centre of Expertise on Education for Sustainable Development (Learning for Sustainability Scotland - LfSS), SOS-UK (Scotland) (Students organising for Sustainability) and sparqs (student partnerships in quality Scotland)


Other Collaborative Enhancement Projects

You can find out more about all our Collaborative Enhancement Projects - and access resources and outputs - on our website.


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