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Innovative and evolving quality processes

Our Collaborative Enhancement Projects offer funding opportunities for small groups of our member institutions to work together on projects of shared interest which enhance the quality of their own students' learning experiences and develop outputs to support the wider higher education sector. 


夜色直播appsupports a number of projects every year, covering a range of topics and interest areas. On this page you'll find projects related to innovative and evolving quality processes.


The future of exam boards

Lead institution: University of Bristol

Partner institution: Kingston University

Enhancing learning and teaching quality through collaborative observation

Project lead: Birmingham City University

Project partners: Loughborough University and University of Wolverhampton


ESD and Academic Quality

Project lead: De Montfort University

Project partners: Manchester Metropolitan University, University of Exeter, University of Derby, University of Leicester, Coventry University, Cardiff University, University of Worcester, University of Bath, University of Strathclyde, and University of Winchester


How are staff supported to undertake student-staff partnership opportunities?

Project lead: University of Sussex

Project partners: University of Salford, University of Brighton and University College London


When quality assurance meets innovation in higher education

Project lead: New Model Institute for Technology and Engineering

Project partners: UCL, TEDI-London, Arden University and Arts University Bournemouth, Dyson Institute of Engineering and Technology


Visit the project web page

Other Collaborative Enhancement Projects

You can find out more about all our Collaborative Enhancement Projects - and access resources and outputs - on our website.


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