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As part of this ҹɫֱ²¥appCollaborative Enhancement Project, Falmouth, Edinburgh and Glasgow Universities co-created a Social Induction Framework, which uses playful learning pedagogy to help universities familiarise students with their VLE, diverse learning environments and various learning platforms during induction.

Project outputs

The Social Induction Framework is published below. It is accompanied by a project report, which provides an introduction and advice on application of the Framework. There is also an evaluation of the Framework and case studies from three universities, followed by a list of things to consider.


Social Induction Framework Toolkit

Publication date: 24 Jun 2022

Social Induction Framework – full project report

Publication date: 24 Jun 2022

Summary of the project

About the Framework


The Social Induction Framework enables students to work alone or in groups to solve puzzles and talk to each other during induction week. It can be used to help learners familiarise themselves with in-house learning environments through a social-based framework for engagement. In this way, course leaders will be able to incorporate educational tools or approaches available in their disciplinary and educational contexts.


Application of the Framework


The Framework is intended to provide HE colleagues with a useful and flexible toolkit for them to adopt and adapt in their own contexts. In the project report, each collaborative partner provides a case study illustrating their application of the core social induction framework in their own contexts.

Social Induction Framework: Case Study - Falmouth University

Publication date: 24 Jun 2022

Social Induction Framework: Case Study - University of Edinburgh

Publication date: 24 Jun 2022

Social Induction Framework: Case Study - University of Glasgow

Publication date: 24 Jun 2022

Considerations for implementing the Framework


When implementing the Framework, the team suggested areas to consider:

  • Balance challenge with inclusivity carefully in early design discussions    
  • Be mindful of the learning curve(s) associated with new digital systems (confidence and proficiency)
  • Keep ‘text’ to a minimum to maintain engagement and motivation      
  • Brief those within and peripheral to your application of the framework before implementation
  • Consider ways to limit ‘rushing through’ or ‘disconnected’ student experiences of the activities
  • Select your student interface with approachability and tone in mind, as well as functionality
  • A focused and targeted communication /dissemination strategy is critical for awareness       
  • Consider the intended (and unintended) benefits of your activities (confidence, self-efficacy, socialising etc)
  • Consider wider applications of the framework between levels of study (i.e., not limited to Year 1 induction)

Project lead:

Falmouth University

Project partners:

University of Edinburgh and University of Glasgow

Other Collaborative Enhancement Projects

ҹɫֱ²¥appsupports a number of projects every year, covering a range of topics and interest areas. Each is led by a ҹɫֱ²¥appMember, working in collaboration with other members institutions. You can find more information on all projects, and access resources and outputs, on our website.