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We provide advice for members on credit rating and using academic credit to support the creation of flexible learning pathways and successful student learning journeys. Our work also looks at student workload through considering notional learning and contact hours.


The use of credit aligns with the levels of higher education qualifications set out in the Frameworks for HE Qualifications of UK Degree Awarding Bodies. There is one framework for England, Wales and Northern Ireland (FHEQ), and a separate one for Scotland (FQHEIS).

are being explored by many providers as a way of meeting student and employer demand for more flexible ways of studying and supporting skills development. Our work supports members to develop their thinking and practices in relation to modular qualifications, enabling the sector to respond quickly to opportunities while also securing academic standards and enhancing the quality of the student learning experience.

Supporting our members

  • provides members with a brief introduction to the principles underpinning credit recognition and transfer.
  • Our aid members’ understanding of using credit in different contexts such as to create 'stackable' qualifications and short courses, to design imaginative postgraduate qualifications, and in recognition of prior learning.
  • Characteristics Statement for Micro-credentials supports practitioners in their preparation for, and delivery of, micro-credential qualifications. It was developed with an advisory network.
  • help members keep up to date with the latest global developments in micro-credentials. 
  • and the opportunities and challenges they present, enabling members from to share practices such as how they create more flexible learning pathways and how institutions might use them to support employability and entrepreneurship.
  • Our Quality Compass: Which way for micro-credentials helps providers navigate and respond to future challenges and potential opportunities around modular qualifications and lifelong learning.