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The lasting effects of the COVID-19 pandemic: conversations with sector leaders


Professor Simon Gaskell
Chair of the 夜色直播appBoard


The COVID-19 pandemic has required universities and colleges across the UK to introduce new practices of teaching and learning. 夜色直播appissued a series of documents to assist institutions in the maintenance of educational quality and the continued achievement of learning outcomes.


Plans have begun to be put in place for this academic year. But what of the longer term? Which of the changes prompted or required by the pandemic will have an extended currency - either through necessity or because of a realisation that they have lasting merit?


In July 2020, Chair of the 夜色直播appBoard, Professor Simon Gaskell, held a series of conversations with leaders in UK higher education to begin to explore these questions. What followed was the publication of five blogs, first focusing on general observations before addressing key specific issues.


Blog series

  1.  (22 July 2020)
  2.  (5 August 2020)
  3.  (24 August 2020)
  4.  (10 September 2020)
  5.  (23 September 2020)