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Collection of resources for implementing Education for Sustainability now available

Date: July 7 - 2023

A collection of resources for implementing quality Education for Sustainability (EfS) is now available through a QAA-funded Collaborative Enhancement Project (CEP).

The project aimed to close a gap in the lack of quality standards for monitoring EfS authentically and to empower students to ask questions about powerful sustainability learning in their course experience.

Taking a student co-creation approach, the project produced two key outputs:

  • A  of quality principles and criteria for EfS - to be used by course teams, students, academic developers or sustainability staff, to raise EfS quality in university courses.
  • An  for students - designed by the student team and based on student feedback, with speed-training tools to empower students to rate EfS learning in their courses and examples in practice.

The Anti-Greenwash Education Kit is designed to offer key insights to students on EfS using a and training sections that prepare them to rate their course on its quality of sustainability learning. The films can be viewed below.

The project was led by the University of Gloucestershire, in partnership with University of the Arts London and King’s College London, institutions all known for their sustainability innovation programmes and committed to student partnerships and quality education for sustainability.

Related resources

This CEP is part of our Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) series of projects. Other work in this area includes: