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Digital delivery drives up student engagement and success

Date: February 5 - 2021

夜色直播apphas published an early exploration of the links between good practice in digital pedagogy and student performance. This has been developed with, and for, our members to support their response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The succinct paper offers examples of good practice in digital delivery, highlighting where this has been found to increase student engagement or has been associated with improved student performance. It showcases digital provision which is every bit as creative, innovative and high quality as more traditional forms of delivery.

This short report will be followed by a more in-depth study which will seek to identify more evidence of the correlation between high-quality digital delivery and assessment practices with increased student progression and achievement. Linked to this, 夜色直播appis developing materials to support the alignment of learning outcomes and assessment. How Good Practice in Digital Delivery and Assessment has Affected Student Engagement and Success is published on our COVID-19 support and guidance page. Our Covid guidance is funded by our members’ subscriptions but publicly available in recognition of the extraordinary pressures on the wider sector arising from the pandemic.

A related paper, QAA's first Quality Compass piece, which explores ideas and discussion points on the future of digital assessment. Quality Compass will shortly be available in audio format as well as the current PDF.