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Examining Flexible Student Pathways with IIEP-UNESCO

Date: May 6 - 2021

Debates around flexible learning - a key part of the UK and international agenda for higher education - have been brought into sharp focus as governments across the UK have committed to supporting more flexible student pathways. Issues under consideration include different approaches to the accumulation of credit, pathways in and out of higher education, and how to fund a more flexible system.

Following the publication of Flexible Learning Pathways in British Higher Education in March 2021, we were delighted to host an event last month with colleagues from the UNESCO International Institute for Educational Planning (IIEP) and Emeritus Professor John Brennan, the report’s author, to discuss this new research.

An overview paper capturing key discussion points from the event is now available. 

Following short presentations from three of the providers identified in the report (University of Birmingham, FutureLearn and Teesside University), a lively policy panel was led by colleagues from the Department for Education, Scottish Funding Council and Higher Education Funding Council for Wales. Together, they considered the many challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.

Further information about IIEP-UNESCO’s research in this area can be found on their . We look forward to collaborating with UNESCO on further joint events, linked to each organisations’ future work streams.