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Latest ҹɫֱ²¥apppodcast explores higher education sector engagement with industry ​

Date: April 28 - 2023

The latest episode in QAA’s  on topical issues facing the higher education sector is now available.

In this month’s instalment, Dr Kerr Castle (QAA’s Quality Enhancement and Standards Specialist) sits down with Dr Non Vaughan Williams and Emily Way from Swansea University, as well as Rachel Evans from Boom Cymru, to discuss the value of the higher education sector engaging with industry.

The podcast takes a particular focus on the positive impact that industry panels are having on students at the School of Culture and Communications at Swansea University.  

Issues explored include the importance of having a close relationship with industry at undergraduate and postgraduate level; what the collaboration means for staff, students and employers; and how higher education might be developed in collaboration with representatives from relevant industries.

This follows last month’s episode about different barriers to success for postgraduate researchers.


ҹɫֱ²¥apppodcasts can be found on , as well as other popular streaming platforms including ,  and . Please rate, subscribe and share our podcast via your preferred platform.

On these platforms, you can also explore our existing catalogue of podcasts, covering topics including student transitions, experiences of pass/fail assessment, and embedded employability.