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Mapping the awarding gap

Date: May 7 - 2024

夜色直播apphas published a major new resource which, by charting key points through the student journey, flags key materials to support educators in implementing effective measures to close awarding gaps.

Awarding gaps represent the variations in final attainment averages achieved by different demographic groups. Although providers' initiatives and interventions have in recent years demonstrated real progress in addressing some of these gaps, these ongoing challenges remain central to access and participation work across the UK.

Our new resource identifies sets of guidance materials on supporting students through all stages of their studies, from those crucial points of transition into higher education and across its levels, through advice on shaping classroom culture and on the design of inclusive curricula and assessments, all the way to strategies to underpin the success of new graduates as they prepare to enter the world of work.

‘We have a collective responsibility to all underrepresented students that extends beyond meeting regulatory requirements,’ says Dr Kerr Castle, Quality Enhancement & Standards Specialist at QAA. ‘It's a moral duty of care which should be fulfilled for the good of all students, as well as the reputation of the UK higher education sector. We hope that by highlighting some of the brilliant work being done in this area, this resource will offer a significant contribution to help the sector address these challenges.’

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