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New Country Report: The Republic of the Philippines

Date: August 30 - 2018

As part of our series of country reports outlining the landscape and regulatory environment for transnational education (TNE) in key countries for UK HE, our latest report looks at the Philippines.  

UK TNE in the Philippines currently stands at just 282 students studying for a UK award, with six UK universities offering degrees in the country. 

However, there is significant potential for expansion. Not only is the Philippines the tenth most populous nation in the world but, with over 30% of the population under 15 years of age, it is projected to have the most significant growth in its university-age population compared to other .

Demand for higher education is steadily growing and supported by national policy, with a 40% growth in higher education enrolments over the past 10 years.

English proficiency is generally high among Filipinos, English being the official language of instruction at the tertiary level of education, and the Philippines has become an English Language Teaching destination, especially for students from Asia who prefer its proximity to home.

With the  proactively encouraging the internationalisation of Philippine higher education, and Congress discussing a TNE bill aimed at supporting the growth of foreign provision the Philippines represents a key strategic country for UK providers considering growing their TNE footprint in East Asia.

Read our other country reports:

Hong Kong


Republic of Ireland

United Arab Emirates