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Podcast on ways of engaging students on and around campus now available

Date: August 4 - 2023

The latest episode of our is now available via our website.

The discussion focuses on the outcomes of a Collaborative Enhancement Project that explored how patterns of student attendance and engagement are changing across post-pandemic UK higher education.

In , Dr Kerr Castle (Quality Enhancement and Standards Specialist at QAA) sits down with Dr George Hulene, Associate Dean of the Faculty of Business and Law, Coventry University; Professor Eleanor Davies, Associate Dean of Teaching and Learning, Huddersfield Business School; and Dr Peter Wolstencroft, Liverpool John Moores University.

Through the course of the episode, the panel discusses how student experiences and engagement with learning and teaching are evolving across post-pandemic UK higher education, with reflections on the recently published work of a QAA-funded Collaborative Enhancement Project led by Coventry University. The project involved working with 10 business schools to explore student priorities and produce a Student Engagement Framework following their exploration of how students have responded to the changes in delivery and assessment. Their findings identified key themes, including:

  • timetabling and commuting students
  • the need for virtual and physical communities
  • the importance of recordings to support flexible learning
  • digital literacy and inequalities
  • mobilising student voice.

These themes are picked up through the discussion in the podcast.

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