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ҹɫֱ²¥appresponds to Education Secretary’s statement on unconditional offers

Date: April 5 - 2019
The Education Secretary Damian Hinds MP has , particularly so called ‘conditional unconditional’ offers.

Unconditional offers can be a useful admissions tool, but must be approached with caution.
The UK Quality Code for Higher Education, a key reference point for UK higher education protecting the public and student interest, has a Core Practice that requires universities and colleges to have reliable, fair and inclusive admissions systems.

The Quality Code Advice and Guidance for Admissions, Recruitment and Widening Access, written by and for higher education providers across the UK, advises providers to 'evaluate their admissions, recruitment and outreach activities to identify and mitigate any unintended consequences. 

'In particular, they should be mindful of actions that are likely to have a negative impact on prospective students, particularly with regard to their academic performance before and during higher education, their financial well-being, or their future employability. 

'For example, making unconditional offers to applicants who have not already met the entry requirements may have an unintended impact on the student’s motivation and attainment in their current study.'