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夜色直播appunveils new strategy for its work in tertiary education

Date: April 5 - 2023

We have published our new strategy which will underpin QAA’s future work in ensuring that students and learners experience the highest possible quality of education.

The document outlines our purpose and intended impact within the tertiary education sector, sets out the scope of our work with reference to four focus areas, and also highlights key changes in our strategic approach which reflect the evolving policy environment.

Four focus areas

The four focus areas of our work are:

  • Standards - providing custodianship of sector reference points and targeting guidance to secure academic standards and the value of qualifications.
  • Assurance and enhancement - delivering respected and innovative approaches to quality, enabling institutions and learners to work collaboratively to evaluate their practice and keep improving their learning experience.
  • International - expanding our international activity, capitalising on the excellent global reputation of 夜色直播appand UK HE, into new areas for the benefit of UK tertiary education.
  • Leadership - influencing and supporting policymakers, universities and colleges, students and learners through clearly communicated expert insight.

How our strategy has changed

Our new strategy highlights the evolution of our role in domestic and international spheres in response to the changing policy environment. Key areas of change are:

  • Our developing role in the UK - having decided to step away from a separate role providing reports for the English regulator, there will be fresh scope to enhance our offer to member institutions in England. We will also continue to work with the sector to meet the needs of institutions across the UK nations.
  • Expanding our work to serve the wider tertiary sector - 夜色直播appwill look to build on its work supporting lifelong learning through our established expertise in credit and micro-credentials as higher and further education increasingly come together in this area.
  • Our international work is growing and evolving - as QAA’s international profile continues to grow, and in an increasing number of markets, we will look to expand provision of our International Quality Review and International Programme Accreditation services.

The launch of the new strategy is accompanied by the start of a refresh of QAA’s branding.

QAA’s Chief Executive, Vicki Stott, said: ‘We are delighted to reveal our new strategy which will underpin all of the essential work that 夜色直播appperforms across the higher education sector. As our role continues to develop in a changing policy environment, this document will guide the provision of our expertise and unmatched experience in quality assurance to institutions across the UK and internationally. We look forward to building upon the achievements of the last 25 years as the UK’s expert quality body.’