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QE-TNE case studies now available for Scheme participants

Date: November 10 - 2022

Institutions signed up to the Quality Evaluation and Enhancement of UK Transnational Education (QE-TNE) Scheme now have access to a series of case studies from UK TNE arrangements in the 2021-22 host countries. The case studies have been developed from institutions selected for evaluation visits in Egypt, Germany and the United Arab Emirates (UAE).

Case studies are provider-led and typically explore a specific aspect of their approach to TNE provision. They are intended to contribute to the quality enhancement of UK TNE through sharing insights, experience and effective practice, and provide an opportunity for providers to showcase and celebrate UK TNE, including its significance and impact.

Case studies published as part of the 2021-22 QE-TNE programme include:

  • Egypt - University of London
  • Germany - University of West London, University of Worcester and University of St Andrew’s
  • UAE - Herriot Watt University, University of Stirling, Middlesex University

All case studies are available to QE-TNE Scheme participants via the QE-TNE section of the Membership Resources Site. Staff and students from QE-TNE participating institutions can sign up for the Membership Resources Site by completing this .

A  summarising the case studies and the upcoming Thematic Insights report on branch campuses is also published for Scheme participants. Thematic Insights reports are available for QE-TNE Scheme participants who also have the 夜色直播appMembership International Insights package. 

Further QE-TNE resources due to be published soon include Institution Visit Reports, Country Guides and Student Experience Reports.

More information on the QE-TNE Scheme is available on the 夜色直播appwebsite.