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Sharing the highlights from our 2021-22 membership year so far

Date: May 26 - 2022

Our recently published Membership Highlights document shares some of the key successes and outcomes of our 2021-22 membership year to date. The report can be used as a round up of our key resources but also acts as a substantial ‘thank you’ to our members for your active engagement and championing of our work together.

QAA’s convening power offers real value, ensuring our members have an expert voice informing and influencing governments and other key agencies inside and outside the UK.

Our resources and activities are designed to help you and your students with the challenges of the rapidly changing higher education environment.

We have had significant successes across a wide range of activities including:

  • future approaches to learning, teaching and assessment
  • academic integrity and securing academic standards through our work on the external examining system
  • micro-credentials, credit and flexible pathways
  • student engagement
  • Education for Sustainable Development
  • equality and inclusivity in subject communities, for example through our approach to the revised and new Subject Benchmark Statements
  • global engagement and TNE.

We also highlight the outputs so far from the wonderful range of our Collaborative Enhancement Projects.

By the end of April 2021-22, in membership we delivered:

  • 27 webinars and 10 workshops to 1,958 delegates
  • 3 conferences to 892 delegates
  • 8 training programmes to 182 delegates
  • 18 network events to 877 delegates.

Over 75 new resources have been produced for 3,476 registered Membership Resources Site users.

The Membership Highlights 2021-22 is available on the ҹɫֱ²¥appwebsite. If your institution is interested in becoming a ҹɫֱ²¥appmember, please contact membership@qaa.ac.uk or visit our ҹɫֱ²¥appMembership page.