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Supporting postgraduate researchers: Check out our latest Collaborative Enhancement project

Date: March 16 - 2023

A new package of resources designed to help define and measure success for postgraduate researchers (PGRs) from diverse backgrounds is now available through our latest Collaborative Enhancement Project to complete.    

Beyond submission of the doctoral thesis and a successful defence, there is little understanding about how individual postgraduate researchers experience success. 

The ‘Defining, Measuring and Supporting Success for Postgraduate Researchers from Diverse Backgrounds’ Collaborative Enhancement Project team has developed a framework that offers recommendations for practical approaches to help providers deliver improved support for PGRs.

The recommendations are flexible by design and can be adapted to the structures and needs of different higher education institutions under the following themes:

  • Data-driven interventions
  • Improved induction processes
  • PGR-specific support services
  • Peer support networks and PGR community.

The project was led by the University of Nottingham in partnership with the University of Leeds, Scottish Graduate School of Social Sciences at the University of Edinburgh, and University of Warwick.

To support the launch of the Framework, the project team has also recorded a podcast with ҹɫֱ²¥appwhere we discussed different barriers to success for PGRs: from poor mental health and imposter syndrome, to the influence of research culture and perceptions of identity - this will be released as part of QAA’s monthly podcast series at the end of March.

Related ҹɫֱ²¥appresources

Across this month, we are highlighting a range of resources focused on supporting success for postgraduate students. Our recent work in this area includes: