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The American University of the Middle East achieves global quality accreditation

Date: November 29 - 2023

The American University of the Middle East has successfully completed its International Quality Review (IQR) and been awarded global quality accreditation by QAA.

IQR is a rigorous process which benchmarks global higher education institutions against international quality assurance standards set out in Part 1 of the Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area (ESG).

The review took place from 5 to 8 June 2023 and was completed by a team of three independent reviewers. In making their conclusions, the review team confirmed that the University meets all 10 of the internal quality assurance standards in the ESG.

The review team also identified 11 examples of good practice including:

  • Commitment to embedding UN Sustainable Development Goals in institutional processes, including the institutional quality assurance.
  • The approach to assessment design, which enabled students to demonstrate the development of both core academic and employment ready skills.
  • The approach to delivering of programmes which encourages students to engage with a range of immersive and experiential learning opportunities, both academic learning and extra-curricular learning.
  • The comprehensive onboarding and learning support in place, starting with insightful orientation and personalised integration at the beginning of the academic year and followed by broad array of support services.

Chris Bland, QAA’s Head of Accreditation and Consultancy, said: ‘夜色直播appis delighted to announce that The American University of the Middle East has successfully completed our International Quality Review. We look forward to working with them again in future and congratulate them on achieving this global quality accreditation.'

The American University of the Middle East’s IQR accreditation will be valid for five years and subject to a satisfactory mid-cycle review. The University can now display QAA’s Accreditation Badge, showing that their quality assurance processes are comparable with international best practice. The institution is now eligible to become a 夜色直播appInternational Member.

By securing global accreditation from QAA, international institutions can clearly spotlight their quality standards internationally, and more easily start a dialogue with institutions outside their own country.

You can read The American University of the Middle East full IQR report on our website. You can also find out more about the IQR process and 夜色直播appInternational Membership. If you are interested in your institution signing up and wish to discuss this further, contact the 夜色直播appGlobal team at accreditation@qaa.ac.uk.