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Updated international examples of practice in response to COVID-19

Date: May 21 - 2020

夜色直播apphas updated its international examples of practice in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Arranged by country/territory, this information reflects the various types of practice and approaches that have been taken to learning and teaching, assessment and feedback, and student support in view of the pandemic. Currently, examples are provided from Australia, Canada, China, Czech Republic, Finland, Germany, Hong Kong, Singapore, Sweden and the United States of America.

The compiled information now includes more detailed examples of practice where institutions have begun to work towards returning to some form of on-campus learning and teaching as their countries have seen an easing on social distancing restrictions.

From the examples we have identified, common practice appears to be a slow, phased return to some on-campus teaching and research, which is scheduled and managed centrally.

At Aalto University in Finland, remote working continues to be encouraged although students and staff are able to use campus facilities for access to labs, workshops or small-scale contact teaching, where necessary. In New Zealand, the University of Otago has allowed, in exceptional circumstances, for some small groups of students to return to on-campus teaching, where online teaching is not possible. All classes or workshops approved for on-campus delivery are limited to 10 people.

Further to this, universities in China have also seen steady progress towards resuming physical learning and teaching. University of Nottingham’s Ningbo China campus announced plans for students to return to campus with all students back to face-to-face teaching by 4 May, with requirements for students to provide daily updates on their health status as well as information on their travel plans.

Our accompanying overview paper highlights common themes emerging and a sample of specific international practice.