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This page details examples of practice and approaches that have been taken by institutions in Sweden in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, in areas such as learning and teaching, assessment and feedback, and student support.

Assessment and Grading

  • Anyone who intends to take a leave of studies from their studies on a programme or course at Stockholm University must report this to the responsible department and state the reasons for the leave. If approved, the applicant will be granted a return to studies after the approved leave of studies. The decision of approval must specify the length of the leave period and allow the applicant to continue their studies upon return.  
Preparations for Autumn Semester

Transition Back to On-Campus Learning

  • Stockholm University has announced that it will return to on-campus learning and teaching activity from 31 August 2020, as far as possible. Planning will be carried out on a departmental-level and will be published on the department webpage from 15 July 2020.