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Students’ associations have completed a range of work aimed at improving assessment and feedback. We have collated examples of this work which has been split into five categories.

(student partnerships in quality Scotland) worked with the sector to develop the guidance. SPAs help universities and students’ associations to define the relationship between the university and students. Most SPAs set out 3-5 priority areas for the university and students’ association to improve. Assessment and feedback is a common priority area. Below we have listed some example SPAs.

Students’ associations working with universities to host conferences about improving assessment and feedback.

University of Strathclyde

The University of Strathclyde and their students' association organised the Education@Strathclyde Day in 2014. Speakers presented a range of themes to inspire innovative learning and teaching methods. This event provided a wealth of material that helped inform the development of new assessment and feedback guidance.

University of Edinburgh

The University of Edinburgh and their students’ association hosted a conference called, ‘Partnership in Assessment and Feedback’ in 2014. The conference explored topics such as:

  • assessment and feedback literacy and understanding for staff and students
  • designing assessment and feedback with students as active agents and partners
  • improving student experience through sharing good practice across boundaries.

Universities and students’ associations use a range of methods to communicate what feedback looks like and information about assessment and feedback policy. We have provided some examples below:

EUSA School of Chemistry feedback

Publication date: 01 Jun 2015

NSA - Feedback flyer

Publication date: 16 Jun 2015

NSA - Feedback survey summary paper

Publication date: 16 Jun 2015

NSA - Full feedback survey report

Publication date: 16 Jun 2015

NSA - Feedback survey full comments

Publication date: 16 Jun 2015

Report of Examination Feedback Working Group

Publication date: 26 May 2015

SAUWS GOAT (Go Out And Talk) questionnaire

Publication date: 07 Jul 2015

SAUWS feedback survey (Hamilton campus)

Publication date: 07 Jul 2015

SAUWS GOAT (Go Out And Talk) survey results

Publication date: 07 Jul 2015

UWS Feedback toolkit

Publication date: 23 Apr 2018

Policy on feedback and feedforward

Publication date: 02 Jul 2015

A Student Guide to Feedback and Feedforward

Publication date: 02 Jul 2015

Below you will find toolkit examples containing information and guidance about improving assessment and feedback practices.

SAUWS feedback toolkit

Publication date: 07 Jul 2015

NUS Assessment and Feedback Benchmarking tool

Publication date: 23 Apr 2018

Assessment: from fairness to authenticity

Publication date: 23 Apr 2018

Toolkit on Feedback and Assessment

Publication date: 23 Apr 2018

The sector has recognised that there is often no formal way of knowing whether or not students are engaging with or acting on feedback provided. In response to this, students’ associations and their institutions have implemented a number of initiatives, designed to open and promote a two-way dialogue between students and markers.

Glasgow Caledonian University and students' union

The campaign was launched in 2010. This campaign encouraged students to engage with feedback through various workshops run by the University and Students’ Association. Part of this work included setting out 8 principles of feedback, as follows:

  • dialogue
  • supportive of future learning
  • timely
  • related to clear criteria
  • accessible to students
  • a continuous process
  • Available on all forms of assessment
  • Flexible and suited to students’ needs.

Principles of Student-friendly feedback

During a workshop at a sparqs (student partnership in quality Scotland) conference, delegates agreed the main principles of student-friendly feedback.

Five principles of Student Friendly Feedback

Publication date: 12 Jun 2015

Related Report

Student-friendly Feedback: how feedback is created and used by students

Publication date: 19 Jun 2015