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Around 80 delegates attended an event in March 2015 to explore how we use technology to support assessment and feedback. The discussions included targeting feedback, detecting plagiarism and ensuring data security. There were two keynote speakers and a number of case studies presented at the event.

During the event we identified ten key messages for institutional policy makers. The aim of the messages is to promote the use of technology to enhance feedback on assessment.

  1. Remove the ‘e’ from ‘e-assessment’ and ‘e-learning.
  2. Create and encourage a ‘can-do’ culture at all levels in the institution to accommodate new ways of using technology.
  3. Provide support and leadership from policy makers to department level.
  4. Work with practitioners in teams as equals. Learn about what practitioners’ practice and the challenges they face.
  5. Learn about the technology by recognising its advantages and limitations.
  6. Recognise the diversity in ‘e’-learning and ‘e’-assessment approaches.
  7. Recognise all staff may need training and support to take advantage of new technologies and that this needs to be adequately prioritised and resourced. 
  8. Be aware that small and simple fixes can really help. For example, providing resource for software licences enables staff to work with new technology.
  9. Invest in stable and robust IT infrastructures that can be consistently used to support assessment and feedback.
  10. Use workload models that are designed to support ‘online’ learning.


Improving computer-marked assessment: How far can we go?

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JISC assessment and feedback activities 2011-2015

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ATLEF Funded Project

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Diverse use of the web-based peer assessment tool, Aropä

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interACT - supporting feedback dialogue through technology 

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Making the most of what we’ve got

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Technology Enhanced Assessment

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CIT eA-Project at Borders College

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Improving assessment and feedback processes with OCR technology

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Ipsative Feedback, e-Portfolios and LEAF

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Student creation of interactive learning resources using Xerte

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The benefits of using Wikis for formative feedback

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Use of technology to support assessment and feedback - Dialogue sheet

Publication date: 23 Apr 2018