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As part of this strand, we explored topics including:

  1. Implementing Chapter B10 of the UK Quality Code
  2. Strategy and governance
  3. Institutional risk
  4. Recording and reporting student achievement
  5. Quality arrangements to promote student engagement
  6. Qualifications Involving More Than One Degree-Awarding Body Characteristics Statement.

Related resource

Characteristics Statement: Qualifications Involving More Than One Degree-Awarding Body

Publication date: 14 Oct 2015

Quality dimensions event

Presentations are available from the Quality Dimensions event we held in 2016. Quality Directors/Managers, members of the Teaching Quality Forum (in Scotland) and colleagues responsible for managing collaborative activity in their institutions will find this material useful.

Addressing the challenges of managing collaborative activity

Publication date: 30 May 2016

Qualifications involving more than one degree-awarding body

Publication date: 30 May 2016

Engaging students in transnational collaborations

Publication date: 30 May 2016