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About this consultation

The Tertiary Quality Enhancement Review (TQER) method has been commissioned by the Scottish Funding Council (SFC) as part of developing the new for provision delivered by colleges and universities in Scotland. The purpose of this consultation is to seek your views on the proposals contained in the review Guide. 

The TQEF vision is for a more coherent and streamlined tertiary education system that supports institutions in delivering the best learning experience for students. Our approach to quality is at the heart of shaping and delivering that vision. TQER is developed to enable parity across our quality arrangements for different provision and learner pathways in Scotland’s tertiary system.

Led by ҹɫֱ²¥appScotland, TQER has been co-created with staff, students, stakeholders and quality agencies from across the tertiary sector over academic year 2023-24. Guided by a sector Advisory Group, extensive work has been carried out over this period with colleges, universities and students to design and develop the Guide presented here for consultation. It takes account of, and builds on, the strengths and good practice across previous quality arrangements for both the Scottish college and university sectors, and evolving a new method for a tertiary context.

TQER is a peer-led, enhancement-focused approach to review. It contains the flexibility to support different institutional contexts, modes of delivery and levels of learning. Taken together with the wider framework, TQER is intended to support assurance and enhancement of academic standards and the quality of student learning experience.

Purpose of the consultation

This consultation is asking for comments on the proposal for a new external review method (TQER) and cycle to be delivered across Scotland’s colleges and universities. The effect of the proposals would be a peer-led review delivery model, and a single approach – with appropriate flexibility – to quality review arrangements supporting assurance and enhancement of further and higher education provision.

Responding to the consultation

This consultation will be of interest to Scotland's colleges and universities, their staff and students, and their representative bodies. It will also be of interest to other tertiary sector stakeholders and organisations, and quality agencies, in Scotland.

The consultation questions should be read alongside the proposed Tertiary Quality Enhancement Review: Guide for Institutions, which gives detailed information and explanation regarding TQER. Your comments on the proposed TQER guidance documents will help us to ensure that the method reflects the needs of the Scottish tertiary sector and will help drive enhancement across Scotland's colleges and universities.

We strongly recommend that before answering the questions respondents read the proposed guidance documentation.

Tertiary Quality Enhancement Review: Guide for Institutions (consultation)

Publication date: 08 Jul 2024

Tertiary Quality Enhancement Review Consultation: Online Survey Questions

Publication date: 08 Jul 2024

Please submit your responses via our . The consultation questions are also provided as an MS Word document to enable you to prepare your answers. Please note, you will not be able to save your responses to the consultation in the online survey and return later. Therefore, we advise that you read the guidance documents and prepare your responses before completing the survey.

The consultation runs from Monday 8 July 2024 and will close on Monday 2 September 2024 at 5pm (BST).

We recognise that institutions across the Scottish tertiary sector have different absence points and different pressure points. An extended consultation period gives all institutions an opportunity to respond and enables QAAS to capture as many views as possible. QAAS is working with to enable additional opportunity for student voice to be included in the consultation.

All answers provided will be completely confidential and anonymous unless you choose to provide identifiable personal data in response to any of the questions. No personal data will be shared with third parties. Any results reported following our analysis of the responses to the survey will only be in aggregate form, and individual responses will not be identifiable.

Further details about how ҹɫֱ²¥appdeals with your personal data is available in our Privacy notice

After the consultation closes, all responses will be analysed by QAAS. We will edit or amend the proposed approach and TQER Guide taking account of the analysis of consultation responses. The edited Guide will be considered and finalised with the sector Advisory Group supporting the development of the method. The analysis and edited Guide will also be discussed with the SFC.

Once finalised, the TQER Guide will be published on the ҹɫֱ²¥appwebsite. To support the transition to the new method, we will publish further guidance, including a short guide which will support staff in engaging with the process, and hold briefings for staff and students.

QAAS's work and review methods are informed by the fundamental values of the European Higher Education Area. QAAS's approach and methods are designed to meet the standards and reflect the guidelines set out in the . ҹɫֱ²¥appseeks to encourage engagement with other Bologna expectations, including means to enable mobility. QAAS considers this proposed method to be aligned with the European Standards and Guidelines, and once consultation has concluded and the review method finalised, will seek to register the new method with the European Quality Assurance Register.1

1 QAA’s entry on the EQAR can be viewed at

If you have any questions on the consultation and Tertiary Quality Enhancement Review, please contact ARCadmin@qaa.ac.uk.