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Public information relates to the details that institutions publish about the quality of their teaching and learning. The Scottish Funding Council (SFC) requires all institutions to make this information available. It must be clear, accurate and accessible to the public. We will consider the accuracy of this information as part of Enhancement-led Institutional Review (ELIR).

SFC asks institutions to follow the established guiding principles for public information which are to provide:
  • assurances about the quality and standards of provision
  • information to inform student choice, and to assist employers and other stakeholders to clearly understand the nature of the Scottish university sector
  • information which helps current students to understand, engage with and make best use of institutional systems for quality improvement
  • information about the institution’s educational processes which stimulates reflection on academic practice and the sharing of good practice within the institution and more widely.
Information should be:
  • accurate and honest
  • accessible and tailored to the needs of the intended user
  • updateable on appropriate timescales (which may vary from annually to daily in different contexts)
  • re-usable so that, ideally, information can be entered once and used in a range of contexts.