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ELIR reports on the University of Dundee

Date: March 15 - 2019

The UK's independent quality body has published ELIR reports on the University of Dundee.

The University is commended for its positive working relationship with students and commitment to teaching and learning. However, the University is asked to strengthen its management of international collaborative provision.

ҹɫֱ²¥appappointed a team of five independent experts to review the University earlier this academic year. The team awarded the University commendations in six areas, including:

  • its productive and collaborative relationship with its students
  • its excellent postgraduate research student experience
  • the steps it has taken to prioritise learning and teaching across the institution
  • recognising the Academic Skills Centre as a centre of excellence for the wide-ranging and innovative staff and student development opportunities it provides.

ҹɫֱ²¥appalso reports on the University’s commitment to equality and diversity, and its considerable success in widening access to students from disadvantaged postcode areas.

The University has taken innovative steps to champion equality and diversity, including offering a transitions course for students with Autism Spectrum Disorder or Anxiety Disorders, and running stalls in shopping centres staffed by male nurses to recruit more male students into Nursing and Midwifery.

QAA's report makes three recommendations, including a priority action for the University to improve its oversight of collaborative activity to ensure it has effective arrangements in place for identifying and mitigating academic risks.

It also asks the University to progress the positive work it has begun to improve student engagement, representation and support for its distance learning students.

As well as commending the University for its effective relationships with its students, ҹɫֱ²¥appreports on the opportunities for staff to develop their skills and practice, and the way the University recognises high-quality learning and teaching, for example through its promotions policy.

Professor Andrew Atherton, Principal and Vice-Chancellor of the University, said, 'This is a very positive judgement on our core activity and one which is testament to work across our Schools and Professional Services, and with the Students' Association.

'The University received six commendations and praise in three other areas, which is testament to our commitment to and high performance in education and learning. Our students have consistently rated the student experience that we provide as being of very high quality. The report commends many aspects of our work, while also providing valuable recommendations of how we can continue to enhance our activity.'

The Enhancement-Led Institutional Review (ELIR) confirms that the University of Dundee has effective arrangements for managing academic standards and the student learning experience. This judgement confirms there can be public confidence in the University's awards and in the quality of the learning experience it provides for its students.