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Practical, repurposable tools to help you use data

Date: March 11 - 2019

As part of the current Enhancement Theme, ҹɫֱ²¥appScotland is hosting a series of monthly webinars aimed at helping you use data to enhance the student experience. Facilitated by a range of sector leaders and experts, these valuable sessions consider the use of different types of data (both quantitative and qualitative) in a range of contexts.

The webinars are proving to be of interest to a wide range of staff and students, and have attracted interest from all over the world. However, we designed them specifically for those in teaching leadership roles within the Scottish higher education sector.

Resources from our webinars

If you have missed any of webinar sessions, videos and slides are available. Our presenters have also produced a series of practical resources, including:

  • A guide to producing digital stories with students and staff
  • An example participant information sheets and consent form for digital storytelling
  • An ethical checklist for digital storytelling
  • A template for constructing new orders of evidence
  • A case study showing how you can use Appreciative Inquiry to interrogate NSS data
  • A case study based on fictionalised NSS data
  • Annotated bibliographies.

The  are intended to be repurposed and used in institutions under a Creative Commons license. 

We'd love to hear how you are using them!’