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Tertiary Quality Enhancement Review consultation

Date: July 8 - 2024

ҹɫֱ²¥appScotland is consulting on the proposed new external review method for Scotland’s colleges and universities - Tertiary Quality Enhancement Review (TQER).

TQER has been commissioned by the Scottish Funding Council as part of developing the new (TQEF) for provision delivered by colleges and universities in Scotland. 

The TQEF approach is designed to promote a more coherent and streamlined tertiary education system that supports institutions in delivering the best learning experience for students. Our approach to quality is key to shaping and delivering that goal. TQER is developed to enable parity across our quality arrangements for different provision and learner pathways in Scotland’s tertiary system.

TQER is a peer-led, enhancement-focused approach to review. It contains the flexibility to support different institutional contexts, modes of delivery and levels of learning. Taken together with the wider framework, TQER is intended to support assurance and enhancement of academic standards and the quality of student learning experience in colleges and universities.

This consultation is asking for comments on the proposal for a new external review method (TQER) and cycle to be delivered across Scotland’s colleges and universities. The effect of the proposals would be a peer-led review delivery model, and a single approach - with appropriate flexibility - to quality review arrangements supporting assurance and enhancement of further and higher education provision.

‘ҹɫֱ²¥appScotland has been privileged to work with staff, students and stakeholders across the Scottish tertiary sector over this year to develop the proposals within this consultation,’ says Kathryn O’Loan, Director for Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, QAA. ‘Your responses to this consultation are really important to us and we look forward to engaging with the comments and considerations that it prompts.’

The consultation will run from Monday 8 July 2024 until Monday 2 September 2024 at 5pm (BST). You can find out more information about the consultation and how to submit your response on the consultation webpage.