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This Theme aims to advise providers on assuring quality across the multiple and varied pathways open to students to enter higher education. The ways in which the prospective student and the provider connect with these activities will differ, so this guidance focuses on the guiding principles which underpin effective systems.

UK Quality Code, Advice and Guidance: Admissions, Recruitment and Widening Access

Publication date: 29 Nov 2018

Expectations and Practices for Admissions, Recruitment and Widening Access

Guiding Principles

  1. Policies and procedures for application, selection and admission to higher education courses are transparent and accessible.
  2. Higher education providers use fair, reliable and appropriate assessment methods that enable them to select students with the potential to complete the course successfully.
  3. Higher education providers reduce or remove unnecessary barriers for prospective students.
  4. Information provided to prospective students for recruitment and widening access purposes supports students in making informed decisions.
  5. All staff, representatives and partners engaged in the delivery of admissions, recruitment and widening access are appropriately trained and resourced.
  6. Providers continually develop widening access strategies and policies in line with local and national guidance.

  • (2008)
  • (2017)
  • , Vikki Boliver, Claire Crawford, Mandy Powell and Will Craige (2017)
  •  (2014)
  • , UCAS
  • , UCAS
  • , Competition and Markets Authority (2023)
  • , HEFCE (2017)
  • , GOV.UK (2017)
  • , Advance HE
  • , QAA
  • , Universities Scotland (2017)
  • , Scottish Government (2016)
  • , ECU/Advance HE (2012)
  • and
  • , UK Council for International Student Affairs (UKCISA)