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Monitoring and evaluation is an essential process within providers, forming a fundamental part of the academic cycle. This Theme offers advice to providers on aspects of the higher education experience that require monitoring and evaluation, enabling providers to think about how learning opportunities for students may be improved.

UK Quality Code, Advice and Guidance: Monitoring and Evaluation

Publication date: 29 Nov 2018

Expectations and Practices for Monitoring and Evaluation

Guiding Principles

  1. Providers agree strategic principles for monitoring and evaluation to ensure processes are applied systematically and operated consistently.
  2. Providers normalise monitoring and evaluation as well as undertaking routine formal activities.
  3. Providers clarify aims, objectives, activities and actions, and identify the key indicators, issues, questions, targets and relevant information/data.
  4. Providers decide whom to involve in the different stages of monitoring and evaluation, clearly defining roles and responsibilities and communicating them to those involved.
  5. Providers evaluate, analyse and use the information generated from monitoring to learn and improve.
  6. Providers communicate outcomes from monitoring and evaluation to staff, students and external stakeholders.
  7. Providers take account of ethics and data protection requirements when designing and operating monitoring and evaluation systems.

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  • , Advance HE