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This Theme describes the meaningful participation of students in quality assurance and enhancement processes, helping improve their educational experience as well as benefiting the wider student body, provider and sector. Effective student engagement contributes to quality assurance and enhancement processes by capturing the voices of all students.

UK Quality Code, Advice and Guidance: Student Engagement

Publication date: 29 Nov 2018

Expectations and Practices for Student Engagement

Guiding principles

  1. Student engagement through partnership working is integral to the culture of higher education, however and wherever provision is delivered - student engagement is led strategically, but widely owned.
  2. Higher education providers, in partnership with their student body, define, promote, monitor and evaluate the range of opportunities to enable all students to engage in quality assurance and enhancement processes.
  3. Effective student engagement supports enhancements, innovation and transformation in the community within and outside the provider, driving improvements to the experience of students.
  4. Arrangements exist for effective representation of the collective student voice at all organisational levels including decision-making bodies.
  5. Providers recognise and respond to the diversity of their student body in the design and delivery of student engagement, partnership working and representation processes.
  6. Student engagement and representation processes are adequately resourced and supported.
  7. Providers work in partnership with the student body to close the feedback loop.

  • , Student Partnerships in Quality Scotland (sparqs)

Advance HE

  • , Advance HE
  • , Advance HE