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Dance, Drama and Performance

Subject Benchmark Statement

Subject Benchmark Statements describe the nature of study and the academic standards expected of graduates in specific subject areas. They show what graduates might reasonably be expected to know, do and understand at the end of their studies.

Below you will find the full Subject Benchmark Statement for Dance, Drama and Performance. Alongside it, we have also published a summary designed to provide a short and accessible overview of the main Statement for students, employers and academics.

Subject Benchmark Statement: Dance, Drama and Performance

Publication date: 11 Apr 2024

Subject Benchmark Statement: Dance, Drama and Performance - the basics

Publication date: 11 Apr 2024

About this subject


Dance, Drama and Performance comprises a variety of methods, creative practices, disciplines and fields of study, including creation and performance, technique and technical training, critical studies, the uses of technology in performance, and ways of working collaboratively and individually. The disciplines include acting, dance, drama, theatre, performance as well as multidisciplinary practices such as musical theatre, scenography, theatre and costume design.

Courses provide opportunities for students to gain deep understanding of the creative industries and their contexts within specific cultures, societies and historical periods. Graduates are prepared for  both the creative industries and a range of other employment areas where the skills they have developed are of great value.

Paul Johnson - Chair of the Advisory Group
Deputy Provost, University of Chester

This new Benchmark Statement for Dance, Drama and Performance has been revised to reflect the extraordinary breadth of practice that takes place in universities, conservatoires, and drama schools across the UK. Colleagues from across these disciplines, with both student and industry contributors, have developed this Statement to reflect both the vocational and the more critical and conceptual aspects of courses at undergraduate and postgraduate level. It is intended to provide a valuable point of reference and to help providers deliver best practice in learning, incorporating the four cross-cutting themes of equality; diversity and inclusions; sustainability; and enterprise and entrepreneurship education.

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