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Eliminating differential outcomes and closing racialised awarding gaps - online repository available now

Date: July 27 - 2023

An online repository has been created aimed at eliminating differential outcomes and closing  racialised awarding and progression gaps. The repository is a key output from one of the latest QAA-funded Collaborative Enhancement Projects (CEP).

The resource was produced through our Investigating the elimination of differential outcomes project, which was led by Manchester Metropolitan University, in partnership with the University of Salford, Liverpool John Moores University and University of Central Lancashire.

The project partners aimed to address inequalities within higher education, particularly awarding gaps, and promote inclusive learning.

This project developed an  to provide accessible guidance and resources to support academic staff in decolonising their curricula. The toolkit has produced extensive resources including:

  • a collection of  featuring BAME students
  •  from STEM academics on their understanding of decolonising curricula
  •  from current and previous student leaders
  •  providing background, rationale and general principles for decolonising curricula

The toolkit is easily adaptable and available externally. The project team will continue to update the resources.

The toolkit is housed on an online repository:  The repository produced guidance documents, case studies and evaluations of support mechanisms or interventions from higher education providers across the UK.

Related resources

This CEP is part of our Equality, Diversity and Inclusivity membership theme. Other work in this area includes:

You can explore more of our work around Equality, Diversity and Inclusivity - including our resource on creating inclusive subject communities - on our website.